Investing retirement money in real estate can take many forms – a rental apartment which pays your IRA monthly, a house which is held in an IRA until you decide to sell, even your dream home, which you can live in after you retire. This real estate can even be in a foreign country, which opens your options greatly.
2) Land

3) Gold and other precious metals
Your IRA can purchase gold coins, gold bars, electronic shares of gold. Buy now, sell when the time is right, and you’ll never have to worry about or pay for storage.
4) Loan
Your IRA can provide loans for friends, businesses, or non-profit associations. If someone you know is paying 20% interest on a credit card, your IRA can loan them the money for 15%! As long as a person is not a direct lineal descendent (or yourself), your IRA can loan them money.
5)Private Stock
Find the next Microsoft, Apple or fill in your own successful business, and your IRA can buy some shares in them before they go public. Nanotechnology, biotechnology, or your next door neighbor’s fledgling cookie business, your IRA gets in before the world knows the true value of a start-up company.